First of all, i am sorry for that clickbait joke XD
But since youre here i will talk about two big things that happened to me
Same as last year i tried to do jamuary and this year i challenged myself to add guitar to all 31 songs.
It was really tough and some of those songs have very little guitar or it is either very simple or just a bit wonky/goofy.
But i did it and here are all the songs:
I will be taking a break from producing, not only because i did jamuary but also because ill have to repair my computer.
After that tho i would like to look at some of those songs i made and kinda finish them, there were few ideas that i really liked and would like to develop them a bit more.
Yeah thats about it from jamuary.
VGMC (Video game music challenge)
Last year, to my big surprise i was invited to be an admin in this challenge and make a short story. People who joined then could pick out of multiple stories and make a song based on the instructions written in it.
It was an opportunity for me to not only listen to some new music but to kinda try actually writting down my ideas and get a bit better at giving feedbacks or reviews (in the end i basically just described my imaginations XD)
For those who are interested in listening to all submissions
heres the thread:
Video Game Music Challenge III - All Submissions!
I also made a playlist for my entries in my story:
With that being said, i would like to thank everyone involved, especially @Everratic for inviting me.