Yo thats dope XD im curious what more you will come up with.
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Yo thats dope XD im curious what more you will come up with.
Ayo i smell a liquid in this XD
Cool animation tho
Hell ye, lets do it.
The intro 0:00-0:52 there is hella anticipation in this part, first thing that comes to mind is that really cool percussive sound, like if i am in a very dense and serious situation. Fits really nice into the narrative.
This all becomes justified at 0:52 with that sick bass synth and morse code. Im also enjoying how you introduce that pad at 1:20 with the arp it adds alot of hope to it all, in the context of story that might be opportunity.
Buildup and the drop work very well together imo. I like the contrast of like noisyness (if thats a word XD) and the solid precision of drop itself.
In buildup all that beefy bass and synths feel very chaotic and stressful and the anticipation is there (with that thought it would be really cool to expand on that percussion you had in your intro, i think it would make the continuity really nice...this is just an idea that popped in my head right now XD).
The drop feels almost anti climactic (did you automate stereo wideness for some sounds? It feels very mono).
I am almost sure this wasnt intentional but i was thinking about how to convey the feel of claustrophobia or of being overwhelmed, and a thought that came to mind was to simply make the mix mono (or atleast a little more mono), this is feels very similar to how i imagined that.
To me the drop is very claustrophobic, as if the soldiers are running through those narrow corridors enemies behind them...there is that action and adrenaline to it and i love it.
Aside from all this i think my biggest issue might be that there is no conclusion...how did it end, did they win or not :D so maybe just having that little coda at the end.
But you made two songs for two different stories and its a speedrun :D so its really cool.
I hope the two songs didnt break your college performance.
Anyway thanks for joining and making some sick banger, really enjoyed it.
Also not sure if any of what i imagined was intentional, i just like to play with various ideas
and scenes while listening to music.
Good job and keep it up.
PS. i tried to decrypt the morse code but for an amateur :D theres way too much sounds around it...so its hard to pinpoint them letters.
Ayo, its time.
Definitely the longest track of them all :D
So first that i want to mention is that techno (or i think this might be called rumble techno) works surprisingly well...since it feels chaotic it is urgent and heavy weight, very interesting choice imo.
Simplistic approach to melodies and composition is both great and bad in this song. Melodies are simple and powerful. Tho after like 5 minutes of listening im striving for some development, the melodies could change or the pacing in last drop could be different or, hey why not make the last drop whole different genre.
at this state the song could be 5 minutes shorter and i dont think i would lose much, part at 5:30 could work simply as an outro.
the length also does not help to keep the narrative going...when all main parts sound the same it is hard to pinpoint where i am i the story
Aside from that i feel like this song could be awesome as a background track for a mission like that...there are parts of your song that could work in calmer and more stealthy parts of our mission and ofc parts for when stuff gets hot.
That said...development is crucial for this, i believe making B and C sections would automatically make it an incredible and interesting experience.
Mixing is well imo, the song slaps in its peak parts.
So yeah this might be all i can say, thanks for joining my group :D and for making an iteration of my story. Good luck for your next projects.
Lets begin shall we? :D
It is loud. Its incredible how you were able to push it so much while still having insanely clean mix.
This stuff far beyond my abilities so ill not talk about mixing (not that i do much tho XD) :D
The intro feels like we are present at rebellions base and just going through the briefing, really nice work with background voices and FXs.
When at 0:30 lead synth is introduced it kinda adds that sophistication to everything from how the base itself works and the strategy were being familiarized with.
Your work with growls is really nice, this kind of "dubstep" (or maybe electro house, not really sure) works very well with the nature of a very chaotic action scene 1:30 there is a short intermission that reminds us were not in a familiar nor friendly environment and i like it, 1:45 those crunchy sounds are just lovely.
2:14-2:57 I feel like some real storytelling begins right here and im not sure if you actually imagined it like that but to me it feels very mysterious as if one of the soldiers looked into a random room and found out some really weird stuff...maybe some of Bastions experiments or maybe just something dangerous that must be told to rebellions command.
After that the song gets back to its pacing and now it feels more furious and raw, stuff got serious.
3:53 We reached our destination and are preparing to plant the bomb and get outta here.
4:12 this short part here is totally my style(absolutely love it) and it feels like just run and gun action...like, we have few minutes to get out and just shoot everything that is not us.
4:50 is a very creative touch in my opinion...after the powerplant destruction we hear some of Bastions systems turning off...and simply know, we succeeded.
Wow, i basically just described whole song, thats mostly because i cant really think of any compositional thing or critique to add or change, development is really nice, mixing is hella crispy i love it...most of the song is not really my style, tho i enjoyed this interesting approach to the mission.
Thank you for choosing this story and making this sick ass banger :D keep it up.
Also congrats on FrontPage
thank you so much for the rating and review! <3 it's insane that i got 4.5 stars from you!!
and, intriguing story you have going on with my track! truth be told i didn't entirely consciously try to tell a story with this, i just kind of applied my usual rather narrowly-focused compositional methods and let the track decide where it went. once i have some instruments and sound design going it's easy for me to come up with sections; the tricky part is making them fit together coherently. i think i've gotten better at that
and yeah about the mixing, i'm glad that it sounds both clean and loud! i think i've gotten hella far with that kind of thing since i started mixing that way, although to my ears i still have some distance to cover. but yeah, i'm glad that's good!
again thank you for designing and hosting the challenge! it was super fun applying my skills to create something for it! i hope you have a lovely day :)
this looks really cool.
This is so cool.......my favorite legend from Apex XD good job.
Not bounded by genre i'm exploring new ways to create music. I try to make interesting music that is fun to listen to.
[My music is dedicated to God.]
Age 23
Czech republic
Joined on 3/5/21