Hell ye, lets do it.
The intro 0:00-0:52 there is hella anticipation in this part, first thing that comes to mind is that really cool percussive sound, like if i am in a very dense and serious situation. Fits really nice into the narrative.
This all becomes justified at 0:52 with that sick bass synth and morse code. Im also enjoying how you introduce that pad at 1:20 with the arp it adds alot of hope to it all, in the context of story that might be opportunity.
Buildup and the drop work very well together imo. I like the contrast of like noisyness (if thats a word XD) and the solid precision of drop itself.
In buildup all that beefy bass and synths feel very chaotic and stressful and the anticipation is there (with that thought it would be really cool to expand on that percussion you had in your intro, i think it would make the continuity really nice...this is just an idea that popped in my head right now XD).
The drop feels almost anti climactic (did you automate stereo wideness for some sounds? It feels very mono).
I am almost sure this wasnt intentional but i was thinking about how to convey the feel of claustrophobia or of being overwhelmed, and a thought that came to mind was to simply make the mix mono (or atleast a little more mono), this is feels very similar to how i imagined that.
To me the drop is very claustrophobic, as if the soldiers are running through those narrow corridors enemies behind them...there is that action and adrenaline to it and i love it.
Aside from all this i think my biggest issue might be that there is no conclusion...how did it end, did they win or not :D so maybe just having that little coda at the end.
But you made two songs for two different stories and its a speedrun :D so its really cool.
I hope the two songs didnt break your college performance.
Anyway thanks for joining and making some sick banger, really enjoyed it.
Also not sure if any of what i imagined was intentional, i just like to play with various ideas
and scenes while listening to music.
Good job and keep it up.
PS. i tried to decrypt the morse code but for an amateur :D theres way too much sounds around it...so its hard to pinpoint them letters.