Alright, the time has finally come :D please take this review as mostly personal preference and a friendly suggestion.
I love the intro i said in first review of this, it really feels like if i was in a game and my spaceship is a lobby where i choose missions.
0:00-1:08 is my favorite part, it feels like a game and conveys the idea of being in space. Also the buildup that begins at 0:52 works very well as a swift illustration of briefing and overall atmosphere at rebellions base. They are nervous yet feel hopefull that a change might be closer than they think.
1:08-2:20 this might be more of a personal preference but i feel like the noise riser is too loud, its almost hurtfull to listen to at higher volumes (definitely taming those high ends might be a great solution), aside from that the first half of your drop is mostly alright, a little clipping here and there but thats nothing deal breaking.
At 1:45 you introduce growls...they are incredibly me it feels like two approaches could be taken here:
Either you wanted those growls to be a background noise to induce some sort of chaos in which case i believe it would be a really cool element if done better...lowering the overall volume and taming the sounds with EQ might do the trick(you dont want them to take too much of your space or it will simply clash with everything else and just sound like a big mush of noises).
Or you wanted them to be a precise instrument in your composition(melodic, rhythmical doesnt matter) in this case you need to learn to actually work with them...they need purpose, what do they convey to do they accompany other intruments in your composition, they simply are there and dont know what they want to do.
And this goes throughout the whole song to the point where im more and more lowering the volume because it just gets louder and clips more while the only thing that is there are those growls.
So what to say so im not only criticising.
I think that the main thing you should focus on is to control your growls better, give them purpose and context.
Another thing ive seen here is that the composition (even tho the main idea is really nice) is not really developing much...melodies are still the same and the song becomes a bit boring.
To me the part at 4:22 to like 5:12 works as a natural ending of this story, really love that little detail of the bomb ticking and the dissonant piano to symbolise explosion, very creative element and a nice touch of humanity after all that chaos. Sometimes it is better to make a shorter piece where every part has its meaning and place rather than repeat the same ideas all over again.
Overall the song has some really nice ideas which i think work well with the story.
I hope i wasnt too braggy and that you will find some valuable suggestions in this.
Keep it up and refine your craft.